
All over the world, some windows start to reflect sunlight in spectacular and entirely unexplained geometric shapes. Since 1997, a new form of unexplained phenomenon has been recorded: light reflections. Reflections appear in the form of circles, ovals, “X’s” inscribed in circles, or various other shapes, whereas normally, when a window reflects sunlight, the reflection takes the shape of the window. These patterns generally appear on the exterior walls of buildings. They are increasingly observed worldwide.

Dijon, February 2012

In most cases, these reflections appear when the sun shines, and the light rays reach at a certain angle, allowing them to reach one or more windows and reflect on the wall of a neighboring house. Some are visible only early in the morning; others appear at noon, or in the late afternoon for a few hours; others are only visible in spring and autumn. Many have been observed in the same place for several years, while others appear for a while and then disappear. They typically move up or down following the angle of the sun, sometimes descending so low that they appear on the ground. Some are remarkably bright, and ordinary glass reflections can be seen alongside unexplained light patterns.

Look around you, and it would be quite surprising if you didn’t observe this phenomenon, as it is widespread nowadays.

Benjamin Creme’s Master indicated that these light images were created by Maitreya with the help of the Space Brothers.

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